Evil Moisture live is death by drowning. The sound fills your lungs and you just don’t want to go on anymore. The members are all highly good-looking, so to attend their show is like reading an entire Harlequin Romance in 45 minutes, one of the bad ones your mother puts on the high shelf. Also, spooky.” Lisa Carver (Suckdog, Rollerderby)
Delays, Mashers, Choppers etc: http://evilmoisture.free.fr/mangler/mashers.html
Bat detector http://evilmoisture.free.fr/bat/
Some texts about Evil Moisture etc: http://schoolofmeatcutting.free.fr/about.html
.:(sic):. is one of the most insane projects of the History of Experimental Music in Mexico. How many duos of extreme vocalists we know from all over the world, who are composing as profound savages, possessed by rituals from the cave, but with the conscious of silence and meditation?
In this sense, Ambriz and Bonequi merge primigenius intuition as a concept of uniqueness from spaceship earth parked on the devastating psychological impact of amoral landscapes… reconstructed face cuts of whom invoke timeless miniatures from the instability of gesture… primitive humanoids shouting freedom with no-language dialects while trembling and convulsing mouth noises from antique nonexistent rites.
Berlin based outfit reformed after two of the original members moved to other parts of the globe.
New lineup featuring:
Julian Percy Au (guitar treatments)
Yvan Volochine Fr (electronics)
Steve Heather Au (percussion, electronics)