
Concerts Exhibition Performance Film | Saturday Nov 16th 2019 Begins 19:00

Musica Sanae Berlin Day 3


INSTALLATIONS 19:00 - midnight

Evelyn Bencicova - photography exhibtion
Rumpsti Pumsti (Musik) - film curation
Fredrik Olofsson - light installation


19:00 Yutaka Makino - durational experiment, ongoing until midnight

20:30 Barbara Kinga Majewska presents ghon for solo voice - 3x 10min

21:00 Benjamin Flesser - new quadrophonic work

21:30 Barbara Kinga Majewska presents ghon for solo voice - 3x 10min

22:00 Rashad Becker presents based on a true story - k for klinik

22:30 Barbara Kinga Majewska, Tony di Napoli & Michał Libera present Pigtwitch

23:15 Ziúr - solo set

Warm food available on site by Miez Kiez Kantine!

Venue: Museum Kesselhaus Herzberge (Herzbergstr. 79, Haus 29 auf dem Gelände des KEH)

Tickets: 12€ / night, 20€ / both nights. Buy tickets.

Join us on Facebook. Musica Sanae website here.

Musica Sanae is made possible through the generous support of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes.

Concerts Exhibition Performance Film | Friday Nov 15th 2019 Begins 19:00

Musica Sanae Berlin Day 2


INSTALLATIONS 19:00 - midnight

Evelyn Bencicova - photography exhibtion
Rumpsti Pumsti (Musik) - film curation
Fredrik Olofsson - light installation


20:00 Erik Bünger - lecture-performance

20:30 Agf HYDRA - durational performance, ongoing until 23:00

21.00 Anthony Pateras presents Pseudacusis for septet*

22.00 Felicia Atkinson presents Hedera Helix

23.00 LABOUR present constructs of sanity

*Septet includes:
Tiziana Bertoncini - violin
Chiara Malozzi - cello
Mike Majkowski - double bass
Lucio Capece - bass clarinet
Gerard Lebik - tenor saxophone, electronics
Riccardo La Foresta - percussions
Anthony Pateras - piano, live mix

Warm food available on-site by Miez Kiez Kantine!

Venue: Museum Kesselhaus Herzberge (Herzbergstr. 79, Haus 29 auf dem Gelände des KEH)

Tickets: 12€ / night, 20€ / both nights. Buy tickets.

Join us on Facebook. Musica Sanae website here.

Musica Sanae is made possible through the generous support of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes.

Concerts & Magazine Launch | Thurs Nov 14th 2019 Begins 19:00

Musica Sanae Berlin Day 1


19:00 Discussion/Magazine Launch: Glissando, Positionen and Thymos Books with Musica Sanae

20:00 Tiziana Bertoncini presents Nero Lento for violin, light and space

20:30 Anthony Pateras presents THE TRACES OF A MISTAKE, THE MOST SIMPLE ONE POSSIBLE THE REACTIONS OF EVEN YOUNGER CHILDREN for solo piano and electronics, composed by Rohan Drape and Anthony Pateras

21:30 Les énérves present Stultifera navis (acousmatic with live mix)

Venue: KM28 (Karl-Marx-Strasse 28). Free entrance.
Join us on Facebook. Musica Sanae website here.

Musica Sanae is made possible through the generous support of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes.


Autumn 2016

Composers Gathering

Beginning in autumn 2016, this is a new weekly meeting for composers in Berlin to present their current works-in-progress to a critical audience. Different weeks will propose different parameters, for example: electroacoustic works, instrumental works, computer music works, and more. This presentation format enables critical feedback and group discussion with a critical stance towards composition and music making technology.

Exact dates & schedule coming soon.

June 8th to August 14th 2015

School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe summer program: Interventions: Art, Technology & Social Practice

The School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe is excited to announce ‘Interventions: Art, Technology & Social Practice’, an exploration into the intersection of technology and art, activism, and community-building. Expert instructors will lead workshops over a ten week period in Berlin, Germany @ N.K. Projekt.

How can you socially engage with the world in playful and disruptive ways? This course will focus on conceptualizing and creating socially-engaged artworks and stories in both old-fashioned ways and through using code, electronics, and more. From the whimsical, to the thoughtful, to the subversive, it is set up to take you on an introspective journey that inevitably leads to discovering the world around you.

13th & 14th of June 2015 from 12:00 onward

Befaco DIY Modular Synth Workshop

You will learn the basics for building your own modules from the most simple parts.
At the end you will have a module to begin a system or to add to your existing rack.
Participants can decide between any of the modules that are available.



September 29 - 01 October 2016

Wir Sind die Roboter 2016

The first ever international music-robot convention!

Gamut Inc & N.K. Projekt present a three-day festival on the topic of music- robots and machine-music. In concerts, lectures and different discourse formats, we will present many international ensembles from Europe and beyond that build their own autonomously playing music-machines. We will interpret classics of the 20th century on music-machines and also invite composers to write new music for these wild machine-inventions.

The festival will take place in Berlin in September of 2016 with three days of concerts, installations, talks and presentations. The festival includes, among others:

Robot Orchestra of Logos Foundation Ghent
Roland Olbeter Machines
Gamut inc
Hacklander \ Hatam
Okkyung Lee
Hildur Guðnadóttir
Marcus Schmickler
Pierre Bastien
Nicolas Bernier
Rhys Chatham
Piotr Kurek
Bryan Jacobs
Jens Maria Weber
Michele Pedrazzi
Leslie Dunton-Downer
Martin Burkhardt
+ more!

Wednesday Sept. 7th to Friday Sept. 9th 2016

Andrea Borghi Discomateria Exhibition

Hyperlinear and N.K. present

Opening night: Wednesday Sept. 7th from 6pm
Exhibition: Thursday Sept. 8th and Friday Sept. 9th from 12am to 6pm

at Museum Kesselhaus KEH

Andrea Borghis recent work is focused on the idea of “osmosis”, with particular attention to an osmotic relationship between sound and matter.

Discomateria are objects in the shape and size of an LP manufactured in various materials such as glass, resin, metal and recently marble amongst other materials.
In practice, discomateria are used by Andrea Borghi to produce sound directly from the material by being played on modified and customized turntables and processed with substances that transform the structure of the materials surface such as acid.
These discs are treated and in real-time processed to generate sound and also becomes autonomous art objects.

The idea of osmotic sound derives from the motivation to overcome a “superficial” effect of sound and to make it as tangible as possible for the listener, through a psychoacoustic effect in a certain way “epidermal”. The sound becomes tactile and the material becomes auditory.

Wednesdays March, April & May, 2016. 18:00-21:00

NO-HOW: A critical series of embodied studies or, in other words– putting ourselves on the line.

Reading Group 2016 | Wednesdays March, April & May, 2016. 18:00-21:00

This is a weekly meeting for those interested in understanding how we are conditioned in different ways. If we consider the possibility of actual transformation, first we need to understand ourselves in relation to this world.

We will explore our own determination from different perspectives: linguistically, socially, sexually, culturally, racially, economically, historically, biologically, and more. We will also take into account Berlin and the changes that is going through.

Launched by a group of musicians and artists, this experimental series starts with a critical standpoint towards current culture and music in particular, including the avant-garde, popular and obscure: does music contain transformative qualities? Or is it just a soundtrack for our fucked up times? Are extreme actions, improvisational approaches and noise enough to dismantle our conditioned selves? Or do we need to radically reconsider the critical potential of these practices? Can we still say no to the unfairness of this world through cultural practices or do we need something else altogether?
