Sébastian Piqumal / Tim Shaw / Jonas Hummel present “Fields” and “Projectionist Orchestra”
Sébastian Piqumal / Tim Shaw / Jonas Hummel
Sébastien Piquemal and Tim Shaw present Fields
Jonas Hummel Presents Projectionist Orchestra
“Fields” and “Projectionist Orchestra” are two experimental music pieces exploring new areas of musical composition and audience participation through the use of mobile technology. These two projects stem from a desire to reconfigure the audience-performer relationship, and encourage shared listening experiences and sympathetic communication within non-hierarchical performance structures. They were first realized at CTM Music Makers hacklab, Berlin, 2014.
Sébastien Piquemal (http://funktion.fm/) is a computer engineer, obsessively exploring the artistic capabilities of machines and seeking new ways to place human interaction at the core of live music. He is an experienced JavaScript, Python and PureData developer, and an active contributor to the open-source software community, leading various music-related projects.
Tim Shaw (http://tim-shaw.net/) is a composer who creates immersive and responsive sonic works and presents them in a multitude of contexts. Incorporating diverse approaches to sound capture and processing as well as using sensor based digital synthesis, Tim has made audio work with Transform Festival, Warp Records, The British Council, Arts Council England, The British Science Association, Tender Buttons and GIFT Festival.
Jonas Hummel (http://jonashummel.de/) is a sound engineer, experimental musician and currently a PhD researcher, at Manchester Metropolitan University, England. His research interests include collaboration in network music situations, group improvisation with custom-built interfaces and instruments and the agency of technological objects in real-time computer music performance. Previous projects include ensembles of networked radios (Translocal Rundfunk Orchestra) and laptop computers (PowerBooks UnPlugged, Birmingham Laptop Ensemble, Republic111). He also worked in various documentary film projects for sound recording and design.