Savoir vivre I – IV
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Your body/ego is a globalized market. Your consciousness is degraded and exploited by the economy, comparable to the eradication of animal species and the destruction of natural resources. // No! Yes! – Is a different future possible, if we just learn how to live life? However – Begin anywhere!
“Savoir vivre I-IV” is a long term, sketchy investigation about the influence from programming industry and marketing on the process of individuation and the constitution of ourselves. Four sessions, four times idealists from different contexts will work together and try to find an alternative system of communication.
I. Action in Perception
The essence of the world pops up in the short break before each and every breath and becomes experienced in operating. Suddenly: No form, but chaos, no vision but touch: Wahrnehmung ist nicht etwas, das uns passiert oder in uns passiert. Es ist etwas, dass wir tun.
The grammar of sound created by experimental sound artist Lars Ullrich will be the ceiling under which dance performer Lisann van Aken will expose the deformation of body and ego. Associated with phone calls and text messages a ritual will be created that hopefully opens up your view to the border between the techniques of the self and commercial psycho technologies.
by: Lisann van Aken , Lars Ullrich, Alexander Hof, Malin Nagel, Daniel Hengst, Frederik Worms, Lucas Pleß