The human voice is the oldest instrument of artistic expression and our primary means of day-to-day communication. Cultivating an awareness of vocal ability and understanding the process for removing vocal limitations is a useful undertaking for any person. The purpose of this workshop is to help individuals free their voices.
This workshop allows each participant to build their own theremin. The built instruments will have the features of a real theremin, with more than 5 octaves and 2 antennas, for volume and pitch control. Pictures: Aniana Heras
Experimental make-workshop with multilayered outcome for people interested in sound, DIY-biology, microscopy and interaction of living microorganisms. Knowledge in physical computing, video and sound processing, electronics and puredata is welcome, but not compulsary.
Assuming no technical background whatsoever, these workshops guide the participants through a series of sound-producing electronic construction projects, from making simple contact microphones, through “bending” toys”, to making oscillators and other circuits from scratch
Learn how to use simple objects from our modern environment (resistors, capacitors, transistors, LEDs, integrated circuit chips?) to design and build your own personal, touch-activated primitive noise synthesizer.
Build a synthesizer in a new way using needle and thread instead of soldering iron and fabric instead of circuit boards. Syntjuntan is an ensemble of female composers, musicians and instrument builders and they will give a workshop where you literally stitch together a synth using needle and thread!
Francisco López is internationally recognized as one of the major figures of the sound art and experimental music scene. Over the past 30 years he has developed an astonishing sonic universe, absolutely personal and iconoclastic, based on a profound listening of the world
This intensive workshop offers hands-on introduction to interactive systems, based on the theremin-sensor technology developed by Andrei Smirnov and based on the same principle as a well known electronic musical instrument the Theremin, invented by Russian inventor Leon Theremin in 1919.