Nadja/Ovo/Don Vito/Ratbag
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Nadja is a duo of Aidan Baker and Leah Buckareff from Toronto, Canada creating what has been called “ambient doom” — music that combines elements of metal, shoegazer, ambient, post-rock , experimental, and neo-classical. They have released numerous albums on such labels as Alien8 Recordings, The End Records, and Conspiracy Records and have toured extensively including appearances at such festivals as Roadburn, FIMAV, and SXSW.
OvO is a project involving music and life.
Stefania Pedretti (also singer of Allun and solo performer aka ?Alos) and Bruno Dorella (also performing in bands as Ronin and Bachi da Pietra, former drummer of Wolfango and Bugo and manager of Bar La Muerte Records) decided to create OvO in order to go on playing and travel together. Actually, OvO is first of all a tour band, a specific choice which made them moving throughout Europe and North America from 2001 until present, with stops in Mexico and Turkey, performing more than 500 concerts in 6 years.
Their first album “Assassine” (2001) and the second “Vae Victis” (2002) as well were produced by Bar La Muerte and could boast the contribution of guests and friends. After the splits with Rollerball and KK Null, OvO definitively became a duo and the change was marked by the issue of their third album “Cicatrici” (2004), a co-production of Bar La Muerte and Ebria Records. In 2006 the work “Miastenia” was released under the prominent American label Load Records, the crowning achievement of several tours in the States. In 2008 2 remix albums album were released: “OvO Rmxd By Daniele Brusaschetto” (Blossoming Noise) and “Voodoo Rework” (Moriremo Tutti), this last one remixed by various artists. And at the end of 2008 the new album “CroceVia” (Load) came out. Recorded in Brooklyn at Seizues Palace, it’s a step to a heavier, more structured approach to the OvO world.
“In all seriousness, the band takes everything interesting, fast, complex and fist-pounding about rock and compresses it into a 50-second song.”
Stranded in Stereo Magazine
“It’s like getting a beating from a ball lightning.”
Upsetter magazine
Julian Percy wurde 1978 in Melbourne Australien, geboren. Für die Erstellung seiner Klänge bedient er sich verschiedener Materialien, wie z.B im urbanen Raum gefundene Objekte, selbst gebauten Instrumenten , individuell preparierte Guitarren, klassischen analogen Effekten , Sampler .