Mini-Synth: build and play a monophonic synth Ribbon&Body controlled
Three day workshop about the diy musical synthesizer, body-contact, sound & recycling, performing art
In this workshop each participant acquires, skills needed to assemble and customize, a monophonic mini-synth with pitch control and filter, playable by the ribbon-controller and body-contact controllers.
During the workshop the participants will be stimulated towards a practical and creative approach. First of all for the materials of the mini-synth (body contact surfaces, ribbon element, cabinet) taken from unconventional sources and objects of recycling, as the electronic components. These parts can be also supplied by the participants. Please contact for any questions on the parts list, and materials of Mini-Synth.
The workshop is open to everyone and special knowledge and skills in electronics is not required.
Tools required, for each participant: soldering iron (25-50w) with a fine or very fine clean tip; small pliers-scissors for cutting wire; some cables with mini alligator clips. A multimeter for electrical measurements (not necessary) is welcome.
The workshop includes a session of sound experimentation and live performance of the participants and their Mini-Synth in an ensemble of DIY instruments.
Date: 11-13/04/2012 Time: 14:00-19:00
Minimum nr. of Participants: 6
Maximum nr. of participants: 15
Preregistration is required and can be done by sending an email to If you don’t get a response within 3 days to your registration mail please call us under +49(0)17620626386 to make sure that we have received your mail.
Participation fee: 65,00€ (minus electronic components). All electronic parts 20,00 € Material Costs
Giulio Escalona: musician and sound operator, producers work in the field of electronic and electro-acoustic music, both alone and in collaboration with dancers, video artists and other musicians.For his creations he prefers to use electronic musical equipment that he has made himself, or obtained by transforming musical instruments, toys and recycled objects. He have built a contemporary replica of the therecello, the theremin stringless cello invented by Leon Theremin in the ’30.
Alex Pierotti Petrassi: musician – DIYer – sounds builder – psychologist doctor. His philosophy is: build, customize and mod your instruments for each new performance. He work since the 1997 for the RAI (the italian national broadcast radio – tv) as writer, director, compositor. Collaborations with a lot of musicians and artist in the fields of improvised, jazz-contemporary music, spoken words, dance and theater.