Thursday June 18th 2015 21:00 Sharp!

Martin Howse / Kathy Alberici

N.K. presents their second year of Musical Thursdays at Uferstudios for this year’s DRECK: EIN APPARAT.


Venue: Heizhaus @ Uferstudios
Uferstraße 8, 13357 Berlin

EARTH_VOICE by Martin Howse

EARTH_VOICE un-earths a dirty, soil circuit, modulating and expressingwormed and human voice, uniting deep earth currents and atmosphericsignals with vocal bone and tongue fragility. EARTH_VOICE explores thedetection and extraction of code and signals from the sheer groundthrough unrefined electrochemistry and manipulation of crystal-boundelectrons, air and light.

The interdisciplinary work of Martin Howse is pre-occupied with a broad questioning of the exact location of execution and of code within the world (psychogeophysics). Through the construction ofexperimental situations (within process-driven performance, laboratories, walks, and workshops), material art works and texts, Martin Howse explores the rich links between substance or materialsand execution or protocol, excavating issues of visibility and of hiding within the world. Since 1998, Martin Howse has published, workshopped, performed and exhibited worldwide.

Kathy Alberici

Solo performance by experimental violinist, Kathy Alberici. Inhabiting a tingling space between noise, soundscapes, and drone, she will lead you through dark corridors to abandoned wilderness, emerging out of the shadows to tap you on the shoulder and run into the trees.

Working with an entirely analogue set-up, sound is manipulated, recycled and deconstructed to reveal its many faces. From nothing comes something, the imperfections, the Dreck becoming its own musical element in a complex weave of reflexive feedback.

Kathy is best known for her role in psychedelic kraut-doom outfit, Drum Eyes (Upset the Rhythm), and her collaboration with Jan St Werner in his electronic opera, Miscontinuum (Thrill Jockey). She is currently based in Berlin.