Saturday 5th December 2009

Hannes Hoelzl/Joker Nies/Alberto de Campo

NK presents:

Concert will be at White Rabbit Potsdamer Strasse 98

Hannes Hoelzl was born 1974 in Bolzano/I; he studied audio engineering in Graz/A and graduated as an MA in Sound&Music Technology at the Utrecht Arts Academy/NL. He works in various disciplines and constellations, always orbiting around the central focus of sound; with digital sound treatment and particulary the Open Source environment SuperCollider being his fundamental working tools.
His developments in music aim at improvisation interfaces that enable the computer to keep up with the directness of the instrumentalists; at sound spatialisation with a similar improvisational approach, and at pseudo-intelligent sound objects that might be able to surprise the performer with unforseen turns, often inspired by outworldly electronic circuits like the ones that his fellow musician Joker Nies employs. Beyond acting as a performing musician, he works as a sound artist, designer, composer, software developer and instructor.
He has played internationally in Europe and China, and his installative works have been exhibited, amonst others, in the Venice Biennale (2001, 2006), in ZKM Karlsruhe (D, 2006), Hamada children’s Museum, Japan, and in London’s National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. He has held lecures and workshops at Universities and Conservatories in Wesleyan/Connecticut, Duesseldorf, Prague, Oslo, Tokyo and Beijing.
Recently, he was involved in a project for the international Arts Biennial Manifesta in Italy (, where an old austrian fortress with 77 armoured rooms was turned into a huge listening space.

Joker Nies lives and works in Cologne, Germany, as a musician, sound-designer, sound-engineer, fotographer and technical editor for the German Keyboards magazine.
Since the early 80´s, Nies experiments with all kinds of electronic sound-sources, like modular-analog synthesizers, individually designed electronic devices, DSP-based systems (like Kyma/Capybara) and software based sound-sources. During the early 90´s, modifying the Omnichord became his initiation to what is known as circuit-bending. Since that time a steadily growing number of devices has been converted from simple toys into alien sound devices.
For his live-performances the focus has completely moved away from computer hosted sound enviroments and shifted to analog electronics instead. His instruments, beneath the Omnichord, are carefully selected and modified electronics, and the outstanding instruments Rob Hordijk has built for him.
Recent activities include software synth-design in MAX/MSP for the german Keyboards magazine, and production and sound design for radio-plays. Nies also leads workshops and tutorials about circuit-bending, DIY-instruments and synth-design in MAX/MSP. His musical activities are centered around an improvisational aproach, like with the Trio Die Schrauber or The KØP. He also cooperates in composition-based projects like the activities of the multimedia project REALTIME-RESEARCH and QUANTUM QUASI dance-projects.
Joker Nies performed on festivals in all of Europe, USA and Mexico, with artists like John Butcher, Ernst Reijsinger, Birgit Uhler, Thomas Lehn, Alan Silva, Dave Tucker, Seth Josel, Hans Tammen, Mario De Vega, Gino Robair and many others.


Pair a Dice – Snake Eyes (1996), Near Vhana (1998)
Electroshock – I woke up braindead (1999)
Wollie Kaisers Timeghost – new traces for old faces (2000)
Kölner Saxofon Maffia – 20 Jahre Saxuelle Befreiung (2001)
The Yahoos – Yahoos (2001)
U.R.L. – Konfabulation (2002)
The Earthieves – Earthieves (2002)
Die Schrauber – Live in Mexico (2006)
The KØP – Köln-Oslo-Protocols (2009)

Prof. Dr. Alberto de Campo (* 1964) hat Komposition und Jazz-Gitarre in Österreich studiert, und elektronische Musik in den USA. Er war Visiting Scholar und Research Director am CREATE (an der UC Santa Barbara); danach hat er am IEM Graz und an der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln (KHM) gelehrt. In Köln haben langjährige Zusammenarbeiten begonnen, u.a. mit earweego (Ho, Hölzl) und realtime research (M.Mainz).
Im Wintersemester 2004/5 hatte er die Edgard Varèse-Gastprofessur für Elektronische Musik an der TU Berlin inne. Von 2005-2007 war er lead researcher im Forschungsprojekt ‘SonEnvir’ (am IEM Graz), das mit einem interdisziplinären Team die Anwendbarkeit der Sonifikation von Daten für verschiedene wissenschaftliche Disziplinen experimentell untersuchte. In diesem Projekt verfasste er zusammen mit dem Team zahlreiche Publikationen, und organisierte ein Konzert mit Sonifikationen von sozialen Daten für die ICAD 2006 in London (‘Global Music – The world by ear’).
Von 2007-2009 war er Professor für Musikinformatik am Institut Fuer Musik Und Medien der Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf, und seit 2009 ist er Professor für Generative Kunst / Computational Art am Institut für zeitbasierte Medien an der Universität der Künste Berlin.

Aktuelle Projekte
*powerbooks_unplugged – ein Ensemble, das just in time programming auf unverstärkten Laptops praktiziert.
*Konzerte mit InstrumentalistInnen, u.a. Quiet Noise Quartet, Syntopia Ensemble, earweego, …
*BlippooHazard – vier Instrumentalisten spielen den gleichen analogen Synth, die Blippoo box von Rob Hordijk – ‘Das Ganze ist die Differenz seiner Teile’ (mit hans w koch, Joker Nies, Hannes Hölzl).
*Mit Florian Hecker: Neben Live-instrumenten und studio-tools, die spezielle Syntheseverfahren implementieren, u.a. die Installationen ‘Asynchronous Jitter’, ‘Spazio Jens Blauert’ (Manifesta 7, 2008), zuletzt ‘No Night No Day’ mit Cerith Wyn Evans, Biennale Venedig 2009, demnächst ‘Auditory Objects’ in Bordeaux.
*Mit Marcus Schmickler und Carsten Goertz: “Bonner Durchmusterung”, Sonifikation und Visualisierung astronomischer Daten für das Jahr der Astronomie, Bonn, Juni 2009.