Jul 4th 19:30

Creative Coding Stammtisch

This month’s Creative Coding Stammtisch will be special: a collaborative event with the School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe, an Art&Tech School opening it’s doors in Berlin soon! We’ll also be meeting at a different venue this time as we’re being hosted by NK, so take note!

Creative Coding Stammtisch is a friendly gathering of Creative Coders who like to work with programs such as Processing, openFrameworks, SuperCollider, Pure Data, vvvv, Arduino, Cinder, etc. The atmosphere is relaxed. There is usually a time for people to present something if they want to, followed by informal discussions.

The event is free and open to artists, designers, and code enthusiasts, regardless of age, gender or experience. Beginners and first-timers should feel especially welcome and free to ask questions.

Please note that there will be no formal talks and no lesson but many interesting people to talk to and get inspiration from.

What should I bring?
Bring your computer. Stuff to show if you can. Snacks are also a good idea smiley

Where is it?
Elsenstr. 52, 2. Hinterhaus Etage 2,
Berlin 12059

How much is it?
Attending this event is free! Like all OpenTechSchool events. NK is kindly providing the space.