Tuesday Nov 20 2012 -- Doors 21h Concerts 21:30


This Event is curated by Manuela Benetton and kindly supported by INM
N.K. Electronic and Computer Music Series Hosted at FEED –
FEED Soundspace http://6554.de/
HobrechtsraĂźe 65 | Hinterhaus, Etage 4
12047 Berlin-Neukölln

Carl Michael von Hausswolff is a Swedish artist (working with sound, light and image), composer, curator, an expert on electronic voice phenomenon pioneer Friedrich Jurgensson, producer, founder of the label Radium 226.5, and the co-monarch of The Kingdoms of Elgaland-Vargaland. In his concerts a very physical, almost brutal, side of Hausswolff’s aesthetics is blended with a droned and polyfrequential beauty. The audience very often fall into a form of trance, dosing away in their seats. Other times people experiencing the events have expressed a “feeling that the flesh came off the bones” due to the vibrations of the low frequencies used. Collaborators include Graham Lewis, Jean-Louis Huhta, Pan sonic, Russell Haswell, Zbigniew Karkowski, Erik Pauser, The Hafler Trio and John Duncan.

Leif Elggren and Kent Tankred have worked in the arts for over 20 years. In 1988 they formed the duo, The Sons of God (Guds Söner), a constellation which moves freely between performance, music and the visual arts, and whose productions often reach a point where traditional aesthetic boundaries, limitations and concepts are eliminated. Everything contributes to the whole and provides the basic structure for that inquisitive and expansive spirit which is apparent in the Sons of God´s working method. Sound objects, pre-recorded compositions, physically demanding movements, the voice, the staged meetings and conditions, the objects: all of this constitutes the foundation for an attempt to gain access to those hard rare moments when daily life merges with the heroic nature of the inner self.