B/Vision 030 Presents:Berlin Ableton User Group
Alexkid [Rekids/Cadenza] shares insight into working with Live and Max for Live as a production and performance tool.
Gareth Williams [Liine/Trapez/Snork Enterprises] explores the future of the Griid Ableton Live controller, including Cliip and future modules, as well as the next incarnation of the innovative Kapture device.
Nico Starke [Ableton] opens the floor for a question and answer session based on the features and fundamentals of Ableton Live.
Space and generous support for this event is provided by NK www.nkprojekt.de
Tune to www.b-vision.org for the latest news on upcoming User Group workshops in Berlin and Boston, and the b/vision000 series – an open format for local users and special guests to collaborate and perform.
For details, contact:
Location Of Meeting:
Elsenstr. 52
Hinterhaus Etage 2
12059 Berlin-Neukölln